Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Well, the girls have been here 2 weeks.

I'm at my wits end. Seriously, constant disrespect, which is coming from children, and I know that I should not let it get to me. That is easier said then done. I have people in my house telling me how stupid I am, how nasty my food is, how they cant drink milk even though they drown their oatmeal in milk ever morning.

I understand why they don't listen to me, but it doesn't make the reality of dealing with it any easier.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Serious adjustment

So the girls are doing a lot better, they still think I am mean every time I say no or don't let them have 2 cupcakes or 27 glasses of juice, but I'll take progress where I can get it.

I think the part about foster parenting that I greatly underestimated as a single, never had kids individual, is the loss of personal time. I know babies are completely dependent and needy and they need you all the time, but apparently all kids require a lot of attention.

It seems silly when I write it, but all my quiet time, is now spent educating kids on the benefits of eating vegetables and bathing daily and wearing coats when it is cold outside. Hopefully, as we develop a routine this exhaustion will resolve it bad that I miss the quiet?

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Well the girls came, crazy exciting for me, but terrifying for them. Helping them cope in healthy ways is completely exhausting.

I got an extra bed.
I have been going to sleep early every night.
I hear, "You are doing that wrong" innumerable times each day.
I learned you can't force kids to do things, they have to make up their own minds.
I found out sometimes a little space goes a long way.
I know sometimes help comes from the most unlikely sources.
I learned that making kids go to school is stressful and elicits some crazy behaviors.
I receive some beautiful smiles.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Holy Hannah!

So, I received a call today for 2 girls 8 & 10.

They may be removed depending on court tomorrow.

Trying frantically to rearrange their room tonight.

I am so scared.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Can I say yes?

So far I have had several calls but for a variety of reasons, I have not yet said yes to a placement.

Though, yesterday I said yes to respite for 2 boys (which would involve some medical training for me, so no date to speak of yet). Plus I need to get a second bed. Details.

Why is the thought of saying yes so terrifying?